Shaw Stainless is an industry leader when it comes to stainless steel polishing including polished stainless steel tube, polished stainless steel pipe and other polished stainless steel products. We offer different grades and types of polishing to meet your requirements. Stainless Steel Polishing can be done either mechanically, chemically, or both. The type of polishing depends on the application. We have experts on hand to help you decide by your application and budget. Shaw Stainless is continuously looking into new technologies to provide the best quality polished products possible and supply more cost-effective options to our customers.
Contact our fabrication division for your polishing needs.If you are looking for a consistent surface finish, stainless steel polishing is a necessary process on mill finish stainless steel to produce an aesthetically pleasing polished finish. Our diverse stainless steel polishing equipment allows us to offer a variety of finishes on many different types of products, including:
• Polished Stainless PipesOur stainless steel polishing technicians are experienced craftsmen knowledgeable in different surface finishes.
Extra care is especially required when taking a mill finish up to a #4 and higher polished finish because of all the steps needed to use progressively finer grits. A series of abrasive grits are applied in a successively finer sequence until the desired finish or surface roughness is achieved to achieve a polished surface. Incorrect polishing can cause distortion, discoloration, work hardening, or loss of tolerances. (See the grit size comparison chart.)
Stainless steel mechanical polishing is accomplished by utilizing abrasive materials on our specialized rotary equipment. This is achieved by using hand-held tools for difficult-to-access or unusually shaped parts. We provide automated processes for larger areas depending on the stainless polishing project requirements.
The complexity of the product affects how labor-intensive the stainless steel polishing process becomes. Polished stainless steel pipe or polished stainless steel tube is less labor intensive than, for example, polishing stainless steel fittings or an inside angle requiring hand-held tools. The duration and difficulty of the process determine the cost.
Stainless steel polishing is not a race against time. It is having the experience, equipment, and patience to provide our valued customers with consistent, superior-quality stainless steel polishing services.
Surface roughness is a measure of the texture of a surface. It is quantified by the vertical deviations of a real surface in its ideal form. If these deviations are significant, the surface is rough; if they are small, the surface is smooth. If your surface roughness is critical, a profilometer is used with a diamond-tipped stylus that automatically drags across a surface for a set distance providing results in many different formats. The most typical are Ra (micro-meters), Ra (micro-inches), RMS, etc. (See the profilometer diagram and surface measurements comparison chart.)
Surface finishes on stainless steel products are generally selected for appearance. With fabrication, the degree and extent of forming and welding should be considered when selecting a raw stainless material. For example, starting with a higher-cost polished raw material, which will get scratched in the fabricating process, is not a wise choice. In this instance, it is often more economical to use cold rolled finish material and then polish.
We offer a wide range of unpolished stainless steel products. Below is an outline of unpolished stainless steel finishes.
No. 1 Finish: Hot rolled, annealed, and descaled. Produced by hot rolling followed by annealing and descaling. Generally used in industrial applications, such as for heat or corrosion resistance, where the smoothness of the finish is not critical or of importance.Stainless steel sheets can be produced with one or two sides polished. When polished on one side only, the other side may be rough ground to obtain the necessary flatness.
* Standard stainless stock polished finish is between 100 - 180 Grit (#3 to #4)